We research, we analyze, we design. And then do it again.

The world of creating digital products is filled with options, crossroads, stake holder interest and feature creep. But at the very heart, there's the people who use your product. We help you see clearly. Data helps us make informed decisions in a world full of assumptions.

Diving into designing and building new features right away can be tempting. But just like how you don't start building or decorating a house without a floor plan; your product needs a proper foundation. A blueprint of what the ultimate user journey is going to be.

At Yummygum, that's where UX Design comes in. We get to the nitty-gritty of what your target audience thinks, what they need and what they expect. Besides that we take a good hard look at the market that surrounds you.

We map out the info architecture, user flows and at the end of it all we turn them into wireframes. Because only then you're able to give your users an experience they will actually want to engage with. Does that sound like a win-win situation?

Key principles

The fundamentals our UX Design team lives by

Create delightful usability

We don't reinvent the wheel when it comes to solving common web problems. But if there's room we definitely smoothen the ride to a usable product. Creating a consistent and seamless experience is our top priority.

Create delightful usability

We don't reinvent the wheel when it comes to solving common web problems. But if there's room we definitely smoothen the ride to a usable product. Creating a consistent and seamless experience is our top priority.

Complement the curious

Everyone loves a good easter egg. Take users by the hand where needed but leave room for encouragement. And reward those who pay close attention by adding that extra touch of delight.

Complement the curious

Everyone loves a good easter egg. Take users by the hand where needed but leave room for encouragement. And reward those who pay close attention by adding that extra touch of delight.

‘Users = people’ who live actual lives

We solemnly swear to stay away from dark patterns. Instead we walk the road of UX design by following our moral compass. This means we set expectations and follow through on them. Integrity goes a very long way!

‘Users = people’ who live actual lives

We solemnly swear to stay away from dark patterns. Instead we walk the road of UX design by following our moral compass. This means we set expectations and follow through on them. Integrity goes a very long way!

Some of the things we excel at

Say hi to our UX Design team

Our skilled and experienced team of UX designers can't wait to help you create an engaging experience.

  • Vince


    It’s my jam to enable and motivate the team to create digital products our clients really want and need.
  • Nick

    UX Designer

    Understanding a users' needs to turn into usable UI solutions is what drives me.
  • Cerys

    UX Designer

    I make sure the created content flows perfectly and swiftly adapts to what’s best for the user experience.

FAQs about UX Design

Because we believe honesty goes a long way.

What happens when we have already done our own research?

That's great! Our team can offer more depth and execution from a design point of view. Our focus is to minimize and prevent any overlap with the work that has already been done by you. This is the golden opportunity to build upon what’s already there, and create feasible design decisions for next steps.

Do you offer separate UX services?

Yes, as our UX work ranges from user and market research all the way down to SEO optimization. Though we do recommend a session with our sales team to collaboratively uncover the best approach on a custom package of our services, as this helps you uncover possible unique selling points, and stand out from the crowd as soon as possible.

What’s the added value of a UX project?

Diving into the details is what makes our team thrive, and it’s those details that result in solid flows for the optimal user experience. With this we can help you uncover ways to improve your customer satisfaction, which in turn improves the overall conversion of your product/service.

Do you offer user testing as a service?

Not specifically as a standalone service, but it is included in our toolset. As part of a complete user research process, we will recruit users for usability testing. But if you happen to have any users available that’s fine too! Our testing sessions can be done in person as well as remote, so international user tests will not be an issue. Send us a message and we can discuss the details!

  • 4

    Data-Minded Designers

  • 7

    travel apps build

  • 2.5

    Avg Conversion Boost

Our tools of choice

  • Figma

  • Whimsical

  • Notion

  • Slack

  • Tag Manager

Make your project our next obsession.

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We can't wait to talk about your ideas, goals, needs and dreams. Let's set up a call.

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